Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Free podcasts

Did you know that ITunes provides FREE podcasts? Podcasts are digital audio and/or video recordings that can be downloaded on your computer or Ipod for your listening or viewing pleasure. There are many free podcasts that are dedicated to health and nutrition (plus so many other fun topics).

Do you have a favourite podcast?

One of my favourite podcasts is 'Compassionate Cooks' by Colleen Patrick-Groudreau.  "Compassionate Cooks is dedicated to empowering people to make informed food choices and to debunking myths about vegetarianism and animal rights."  You can also find her fan page on facebook.

If you are interested in listening to Compassionate Cooks, follow these steps:
  • Open ITunes
  • Click on 'ITunes Store' on the left hand side of your computer screen
  • Type 'compassionate cook' in the "Search Store' on the top right hand side of your computer screen
  • Choose a podcast that interests you
 If you enjoy it, subscribe .. it's free!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Gut plastic?

Recently, a friend of mine posted this picture on her facebook profile.

How does this make YOU feel? For me, it evoked sadness and a desire for change. Change does not come all at once, but rather in small steps.

As consumers, there are many things we can do to reduce our use of plastic, for example, using reusable grocery bags. You can go one step further and try reusable produce bags. I purchased several from ($4.99/ea) about a month ago, however, there are many similar products from other companies as well as cheaper alternatives.

Have you made a small change lately? I'd love to hear about it!

Check out the video 'Seas of Shame' to find out more about the effects of plastic pollution on marine creatures.